My precious girl.


I was really debating whether to make a post about whats happened,
 but then i thought, why would i?
I really want to work on making my blog a bit more personal, i feel like i have it at arms length
and i'm not sure why, i want to be able to look back in years and see what was going on.

Also i feel like my beautiful girl deserves a whole page of tribute to her.

On the 22nd September - a week ago today we lost our beautiful dog Leona, she has left a huge hole in our hearts, and the house seems so big and empty without her. She was the loyalist, minxy-est , softest, silliest  cleverest little thing there ever was (well actually quite a big thing), my guardian angel, and i will miss you forever. 
Rip my beautiful girl, run free at the rainbow bridge (and try not to escape you little rascal!)

I love you, thank you for everything


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  1. I'm really sorry for your loss. She looks so adorable and soft.


  2. I'm so sorry to read this. She's gorgeous and it's great you have these pictures of her :)
    Victoria x


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